Use the relevant entry in the file menu to create a new  Empty project.    This will create an empty project. This will open the Project Properties Dialog

The Project Properties dialog will open and with properties disabled.  There section called Reference Data collects the very basic date.  Enter the Ident of the airport you are creating the project for and click Check or press the Enter key

If the ident is recognized (based on the FSX list at this time) then the Airport Name will be populated.  If not then you need to add this.  Enter your creator details - keep it short.  This is important for the naming of model libraries.

Enter the project name you want to use:

Note that ADE will replace spaces with dashes or underscores depending on the property concerned.

Now click the Go button to Generate Names and Folders.  You need IDENT, Name and Project Name entered for this to continue (it may also become necessary to make creator and title fields mandatory - at the moment if they are not present then a non critical compile error occurs ).  The airport properties dialog will appear for you to complete

The project and package information is populated.  


Although some of the fields can be edited please do not do so since some parts of the code are not linked to update other parts that use things like package name.  We have tried to set up naming and paths to match what are seen in sample projects. Changing names related to the folder structure  is not trivial and could cause a lot of issues.   This will be addressed in a later update


Note that if this is an airport found in FSX then the data will be entered except for altitude which  is not in the data ADE is using.  You need to add that yourself for now  Click Save and ADE will present the empty airport.