ILS can be added, edited and deleted with ADE 2020 from version Alpha 21.  Stock ILS are loaded as part of creating a new project from stock.   ILS from stock are stored in the airport record but when part of the project they need to be stored under the runway record.  ADE will assign ILS to runways.  It is possible that the algorithm doing  this  may fail in which case you will get an error message.  Please report any messages of this type along with the Airport Ident and ILS name.

An ILS is displayed in ADE with up to three elements

1. Localizer

2. DME

3. Glide Slops

I f you look at the localizer carefully you will probably find that it is at a different heading to the runway

This offset is caused because in MSFS the localizer heading is magnetic where in previous versions of FSX/P3D it was defined a true.  The runway heading is true and the difference between them (offset) is the local magnetic variation.   ADE displays the localizer as magnetic.


To add an ILS to a runway use Right Click > Add > ILS.  A new dialog will open

1.  Select the runway from the drop down list that you want to add the ILS to.  Make sure that runway does not already has an ILS assigned.

2.  By default ADE will assign a magnetic heading to the localizer based on the runway heading and magnetic variation.  To set it as a tru heading un check the option

3.  You can enable a back-course which is not set by default

4.  Creating an approach for the ILS is disabled in this version of ADE.

Click Add and check you have what you expected.  Elements can be added or removed or edited.  If you delete the ILS delete the DMS, GS and then the ILS.

Two Way Editing

This should work.   The ILS and properties can be found under the runway properties.