This is the alpha test version of ADE for MSFS 2020.   Note that hereafter this document uses MSFS to designate the FS2020 sim.  It is a basic version and a number of functions are disabled or missing.  Some things work,  and others don’t.  Functions related to land class and custom GPs may be visible but will not be acted upon.  I have hidden as many things as I can but some are still visible.

This version of ADE is separate and distinct from the version for FS9 > P3Dv5  The placement of files is different and the primary project structure follows that required for the new sim.

It can be currently create new projects from a range of inputs including: 

  1. Empty Project
  2. From MSFS Base Files (APX)
  3. From ADE project file (.ad4)
  4. From Bgl file (not MSFS)
  5. From XML file
  6. From MSFS Bgl file (in test) 

It can be used in several ways:

  1. To use the XML source as a starter for your own project
  2. To create, edit and build a package ready for the Community folder.  There are currently some limitations with this that are covered elsewhere
  3. To  create the project, modify it and then use the results with the in sim tools (two way editing)
  4. To create a template project from a base MSFS file or other source which is used directly thereafter with the in sim tools.  (two way editing)